Strange windows 7 x64 search behaviour. [fixed]
I have windows 7 home premium x64 on my laptop. Recently I have not been able to use the windows search facility on my main account, however I have created a new account and the search facility works fine. When using the search bar on the start menu, after inputting a string and clicking "see more results" I get the following popup message: ----- Search:query=*search string* Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. you may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. ----- Could this also be related to my MS oulook 2010 crashing when I try to use the internal search? Possible related problems: (post will be updated as i work through various fixes and workthroughs)
January 12th, 2012 9:07am

I have been working through several different "fixes" including the indexing tools, various registry alterations, and rebuilding the index registry, stopping and re-starting the windows indexing and search services.
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January 12th, 2012 9:52am

Finally found a fix that worked ( I only hope that all the playing around in the registry ahsn't doen something else I will find out about later on :P ) "I had the same problem, I tried every workaround and suggestions including registry edits, after monitoring explorer.exe with processmon I've seen following file is getting ACCESS DENIED error. c:\Users\hakan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\1033\StructuredQuerySchema.bin I've deleted it and search is fine now." From the answer posted by hturann in the lower portion of the linked forum thread.
January 12th, 2012 10:56am

Finally found a fix that worked ( I only hope that all the playing around in the registry ahsn't doen something else I will find out about later on :P ) "I had the same problem, I tried every workaround and suggestions including registry edits, after monitoring explorer.exe with processmon I've seen following file is getting ACCESS DENIED error. c:\Users\hakan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\1033\StructuredQuerySchema.bin I've deleted it and search is fine now." From the answer posted by hturann in the lower portion of the linked forum thread.
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January 12th, 2012 6:50pm

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